[log] Rum on the rocks with a sprinkling of Orion.

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There are times I wonder if I'm in over my head.

Take yesterday. On another visit to Araxes, I decided to take a cross world transport to the new colony in the south : Botany Bay. They have a great bar, really excellent alcohol and fantastic service. Okay, some might call it seedy, I have myself but the people there seem to be my kind of folks, you know?

Anyways, I settled down for the evening with a bottle of the finest rum and was well on my way to finishing the bottle when I was approached by an Orion male. I found out much later that it was Barbosa. Yeah, the Barbosa. Not being aware of this at the time and being the worse for wear with my favourite alcoholic beverage, we discussed my work and his work and it seems we had areas of work where we could be of service to each other. In exchange for spice, he wants to trade me some sort of new super drug he's developed. I tried it myself and I can vouch for the effects.

He wants me to dispose of my sample and meet him to exchange spice for this new "Neurotoxin Nebuliser". I can't sell it under that name so I'm calling it Dust until another name crops up for it. There's a lot of money to be made out of this "Dust", of that I'm sure. But you know...it's Barbosa...this guy has a reputation that strikes the fear of heck-knows into me.

We'll see how it goes down. Maybe this is how I make my fortune? I can hope eh?

Seren out.

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