[Log] No good deed goes unpunished

There's a saying that no good deed goes unrewarded. Well I can say I'm still waiting for my reward. All I have so far is broken bones, a face that looks like I went five rounds with Buffalo-Yak and thousands of credits worth of damage to the Erinyes.

I'd just entered the sublight transit route to the NPC when the Erinyes was attacked by marauders, pirates, scoundrels - whatever you want to call them. Unluckily for them, I was cargo free. Unluckily for me, that made them mad and I ended up laying in a pool of my own blood on the cargo bay floor. They damaged most of the systems onboard including life support which wasn't recycling enough oxygen for me to regain conciousness. Still, I suppose I should consider myself fortunate that all they did was beat me to a pulp. I was still wearing my clothes when I was discovered by a passing freighter.

My internal organs are still recovering. The medic says it will take a few weeks for them to fully regenerate so I'm bandaged up and resting until further notice. Business doesn't take a break however and much to the frustrations of father, Galewind and I headed back here to Araxes for the Beit Dawla ceremony.

Hopes that someone with a business inclination might have been elected were soon dashed. It turned out that the Magistrate has used her powers to put forward a senior "Leader of the House" , you might say. She didn't make it to the ceremony but I saw holo-pics. I think I met her by chance in the Water's End - which incidentally doesn't exist anymore having being replaced by some sordid looking joint - but anyway I disgress. As for the Magistrate - she's cunning that one, she can keep a careful eye on what they're up to and, well far be it from me to say she might influence them from afar but....you know politicians. Especially politicians who are used to running the whole planet and suddenly find themselves having to associate with the commoners. .

The Ceremony was full of the great and good. The Magistrate, the Companions, the Reverend Mother plus a few others I'd never seen before. The strange child for example. She didn't seem to say much. Come to think of it, I don't think I heard her speak the whole evening. She kept tugging at the Reverend Mother's skirt. Don't know what all that was about. I didn't think she had a child. And if it's not hers.....well, we all like a bit of gossip and scandal don't we?

Some odd looking blue chap was also there. Looked like his head was made up of two pieces moulded together - he had a ridge going right down the middle of his face. I asked him where he was from and it was some strange sounding name I didn't recognise. I think he's one of the Federationalists but I'm not sure. He's got an office up on the High Port station - he's in the trading game much like myself. Could be an opportunity for making some credits but then do I really want to associate with someone from the Federation? It's never turned out good for me before.

Jade Moonkill, the electorate's favourite seemed a little flustered and lost. She also turned up late. So that bodes well for all concerned...right?

The semi-robotic scientist chap was there. Senet Blackburn. "Tomorrow's Future, Today!" was his campaign strategy and we'll have to see if he lives up to his promise. The Myrmidon are now represented in both Houses of the Araxes government with Skymet winning her seat. Lord Oteyem, of House Morloch also gained a seat giving them another powerful voice in government. We'll see how it goes.

Oh, since I'm back and people decided to start renting office space in my absence, I'm setting the High Port office up the way I like it. I'm always amazed how someone with such a amazing mental capacity can be so deeply lacking in style! Which reminds me....I need to locate some purple hair dye.

Seren out.