The Secrets of the Sand

The captain strolled down the landing ramp on the Persephone into the humid air of the Splintered Rock Landing Platform. She was thankful that her clothes were loose fitting and for the faint breeze that coolly blew at her skin. The ramp raised back into the hull once she'd reached a safe distance and she glanced across the desert, the heat haze rippling in the distance. As she turned into the sun, she lifted her hand to her face and noticed the silhoutted figure walking towards her. Female. Unarmed. Dressed in khaki desert tones, loose shirt, shorts.

"Greetings" came an amiable voice.
"Hello there" said Seren. They'd spoken almost simultaenously and smiled at each other.
"Is that your ship?"
Seren glanced back and began to stroke the landing strut next to her. "Yep, it's the Persephone."
"I love it. Where did you find it?"
"It's been in the family a long time. It's a GS YV-330. It's had some work done to it but I wouldn't be without it."
"May I see inside?"

Seren pondered briefly. It wasn't the first time someone had asked to see the inside of her ship but she didn't make a habit of letting people aboard. However, she didn't sense a threat from the woman who gave off the air of being highly educated. She nodded and gestured for her to board the ship. After a brief tour, they settled upstairs in the command cockpit.

"Really fine, simple, efficient. I like that".
Seren smiled, "Yes, it's a lot smaller inside than people think. It's been my home for so many years."
"I have been in a ship for quite a long time myself."
"I love flying the space routes. It's in my blood."

The stranger smiled and hummed gently. "I feel the same about the desert."
"Oh, you're one of the desert born?" Seren sensed an opportunity.
She confirmed it with a smile, "Indeed."
"I should probably introduce myself", Seren began, offering her hand, "I'm Seren Undercroft, Delegate of the Beit Dawla".
"Oh, you're of the Beit Dawla?"
"For my sins, yes I am."
"I am Tah Sha Ree", the stranger announced, "of the Hoto Nagi. I am an historian, archaeologist and medivac when needed."

Seren paused momentarily. She knew the name but couldn't place it. Tah Sha Ree. She'd heard it recently, but where? And then, in an epiphany, she realised the name had been in the Laandsrat transcript that had arrived on her desk at the council chambers. She'd taken time to read it - it was the first such transcript of her term.

"Oh, yes. I read about you earlier - in the Laandsrat transcript.". Tah seemed astonished. "They were discussing your archaeology work in the desert."
"And what were they talking about?" asked Tah searchingly.
Seren reached into her pocket and pulled out her tablet. "Let me check for specifics, just a moment."
"I didn't even know that the Laandsrat had any interest in my work".
Seren finished scanning the tablet display and briefly summed up : "Formerly of the Misrim, you previously ran for the Dawla yourself it seems and they suspect you stand a good chance of election should you find something valuable in your search."

Tah walked around the cockpit area, clearly surprised at the Laandsrat's knowledge of her affairs. "Yes, I am originally of the Misrim although I don't think I will run for the Dawla again. Besides I'm at the point where I feel my discoveries will mark a major breakthrough".

Seren lent back against the hull and nodded "Perhaps that's why the powers that be are taking an interest."
"Possibly." said Tah with purpose, "but I'm not certain what I will discover will be good for them. You know truth and power are so often in conflict."
"That is very true, especially where the Laandsrat are involved.". Tah nodded in agreement and said "I'm still not sure what I will find in my work and I need to think about it quite precisely. I don't have enough elements to say anything about it."

Seren nodded and realised the opportunity was at hand. "Tah, I would like to make a request of you, if you would be kind enough to help? It will be entirely up to you. We, in the Beit Dawla do not entirely trust the Laandsrat. How would you feel about reporting back anything you discover to us?"

Tah looked searchingly "Well....I understand....but I'm a scientist and I'm not used to telling things that I am not certain of. A discovery, to be valid, needs to be sustained by very solid proof."

Seren nodded again. "I'm sure I can convince the Beit Dawla to help you in any way we can. I will leave it you to think over. I'm sure you already have the full support of the Hoto Nagi"

 "I'm not a politician, I'm a scientist.", Tah announced firmly and Seren realised that maybe she'd been a little too obvious, "I suspect the discovery may be akin to a 'nuke' in the system. I fear for the consequences."

A wave of concern flooded across the Delegate. Her gentle probing of the archaeologist had uncovered something she hadn't expected. "I understand your concern, I'd be worried if you weren't." She paused before asking "What do you think is out there?"

Tah explained "I'm not just working in archaeology and history. I'm also quite orientated in astrometrics and my discovery, I suspect, is split into two parts tied down in archaeology and astrometics. Our system is very particular. What I can tell you is that we are in the midst of a yet unknown phenomena. Again, it's the same : I don't have enough elements to tell more."

Seren thought for a moment and bit her lip gently. "Still, I'd be very interested if you can pass on anything you discover. It could be in the best interests of the planet."

Tah nodded "Well, I may think about it when I am able to bring in some solid evidence."

"We'd be eternally in your debt."

Tah paused and said "I can seem too prudent but you see, I'm a desert born and I'm used to being treated badly."

"I know the desert borns have been treated poorly on Araxes. It's the same for many throughout the Empire."

"We don't forget that. Especially me, an historian."

Seren nodded and glanced out of the viewport into the darkening desert sky. "Times will change....eventually".

(Special thanks to Tah for letting me duplicate our roleplay session here.)

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