[Log] Alliances


They can be small things, that glint in the eye in a given situation. An understanding that lasts for seconds but has profound consequences.

They can be vast things, spanning hundreds of worlds and thousands of light years and bringing peace and happiness or war and suffering.

They can be strong. They can be fragile. Strengthened by trust or broken by betrayal.

At this point, I don't know what sort of alliances I have. I just know that I have them.

With Elena Galewind. She's stood with me for the past twenty years. A constant companion, loyal to the end.
With Salome. I'm still not sure where I stand with her. She's a hell of an engineer but she's a mystery. She has her own agenda, her own demons, her own path. I'm a stepping stone on a larger journey for her. I don't know if I can trust her.
With the STFU. The Serenity Trade and Freight Union is making its presence felt on Araxes now. How the Guild perceive their presence is yet to be seen. They come with tales of friendship, of future wealth and prosperity. They've already worked out deals with the locals I've struggled to broker myself. There was no option but to partner with them in this new era of free trade and enterprise. The blockade here on Araxes has almost broken Persephone Trading. Given the choice of sinking or swimming, I'm choosing to swim but I've no doubt something lies beneath the waves.

I've survived worse things of course. The death of my mother. The genocide on Icarus Five. The savage beatings, rape and slavery onboard Grinch's ship. I've even survived the plague of Araxes.

I keep on ticking. Forging ahead with a smile and an endless supply of one liners.  It's all a lie. There are no alliances. There's just me and whoever happens to be around at the time. I will do anything to keep this company afloat. Anything. Grinch found that out the hard way when I discovered what he'd done. "


Seren sat at the log station, transfixed with a melancholic stare, her own blank image staring, strong and unbreakable like the hum of the station engines. Lights flickered hypnotically across the terminal.

"Mistress? Are you around?". Elena Galewind's voice came clearly over the intercom.
"I'm here, Elena", Seren spoke wearily, "What's up?"
"Salome requires authorisation for the purchase of two new power converters for the Persephone. Should I authorise?"
Seren allowed a small smile to play across her face. "She managed to find some then, eh?  How much?"
"Around 1500 credits for the pair. A rather good price. I suspect we will not find a more cost effective solution."
"They're stolen."
"It has never stopped us before, mistress"

Seren rubbed her hand across her face, leaning her elbow on the desktop in front of her. "Authorise the payment. And get back to the Araxes system as soon as you can. An STFU ship should meet you on the outer rim of the system. Hand them the converters, they'll bring them in to me"

"As you wish mistress. Galewind out."

"Alliances", muttered Seren alone, "Occasionally useful."

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