"Out of the frying pan....and into politics"

"Captain, this really can't go on."

Seren lifted her head from the basin where moments earlier she'd been revisiting the night before in the worst possible way. "I....totally....agree", she said looking bleary eyed, "Oh no...."

Elena Galewind raised her eyebrows and looked up at the ceiling, averting her eyes from the retching figure in front of her.  From the basin, she heard a voice mumble "Where does this all come from? Where?".

"In most humanoids, the stomach can hold around one liter and in some obscure cultural observations as much as one gallon of liquid although as you are discovering, it is inadvisable to do so."

Seren peered up from the basin incredulously. "Thank you so much for that."

"In all seriousness Captain, it would be for the best if you drank lower quantities of alcohol. Maybe something to focus the mind on?"

"Hand me a towel, will you?" Seren asked, taking it from Elena as she offered it and using it to cleanse her face of sweat, "What would you suggest? Gladitorial combat or sandworm rodeo?". She gingerly moved across the Persephone cargo bay, holding her stomach and shaking her head before falling back into the retractable sofa.

"Captain, having witnessed your combat skills and buffalo-yak riding, I would not recommend either."

"Sometimes I don't know if you're being sarcastic or you actually mean what you say."

Elena smiled and retrieved a datapad from the shelf. She touched the screen and it illuminated her face. "I was thinking something more along these lines". She handed Seren the datapad.

"Run for the Beit Dawla? What, are you serious? This is your solution? What, my ever-closer ruin, impending criminal charges, Gulgus Machydon's presence on Araxes and my entire life falling apart isn't enough, you want me to shoulder the responsibility of like, an entire planet? No wonder I turn to drink. "

Elena tilted her head. "Captain, ....you do yourself an injustice. I have known you for many years and in all that time you have never failed to show the ingenuity, resilience and as your father might say, bloody-mindedness to get yourself out of many awkward situations and prevail. You have suffered in many ways. You understand the plight people tolerate because they have no other option...."

"You mean bloody-minded as in being cantankerous right? I'm always up for compliments, thanks for that....oh by the way I also steal, smuggle and generally get up to no good. Perfect candidate, right?"

"Through necessity. Not through choice. Did you not leave supplies at the station in orbit of Dragons Egg for the refugees of Hale's Moon when it would have been more beneficial to sell the products here on Araxes?"

Seren laughed "And where did it get me? Boarded by raiders and in a coma for a week."

"You are a compassionate person. Irrational, excitable and occasionally reckless perhaps. You know how government works, the sort of people that it attracts and what they do with the power they have. "

"On Rette, on Nena maybe....come on, this is a whole different kettle of fish. This is Araxes...."

"Regardless, I have already prepared a speech for you and submitted documentation on your behalf."

"What?!". Suddenly Seren felt unwell again, leaning forward holding her stomach.

"Indeed, I received confirmation from the authorities a short time ago."

Seren sat hunched over, her head almost between her knees silently listening to the faint rumble of the energy systems and sensing the pulsing throb beneath her feet.

Minutes passed in quiet reflection. Then Seren lifted her head, her eyes closed with fingers clenching the bridge of her nose. With a faint smile in her voice she said  "Sometimes I really think you have a loose connection".  She opened her eyes and looked at Elena with a clarity of thought and purpose "So you really think I can pull this off, huh?"

"I would not suggest it otherwise. Even in a worst case scenario, I believe you will gain much from the experience. However, you should rest. You have a busy few days ahead of you and I need to prepare..."

Seren lay back on the sofa, watching Elena as she walked away to fulfil her duties. Looking up at the ceiling of the Persephone, she allowed a smile to cross her face. Elena had delivered the kick up the arse she'd needed and she knew it. Her companion knew her too well. "Delegate Undercroft...well, it does have a certain ring to it I suppose."