"And the results are in..."

Several weeks ago...

"Free grey geese ina greenfield grazing".

Galewind tutted. "Say it again, this time properly."

Seren looked up at her companion, aghast. "I did say it properly. I've been saying it properly for the past ten minutes."

Galewind shook her head, seemed to take a deep breath and then said "Three grey geese in a green field grazing. Do you see the difference? Speak slowly and clearly. Emphasise both vowel and consonant. Pronounce each word separately."

"Free grey geese in a green field grazing", Seren looked up at the Mentis Adept who was shaking her head again, "Come on, Elena, is this really necessary?"

"Captain, it is entirely possible you may be elected to the Araxian House of State, the Beit Dawla. It is therefore imperative that you project the correct image. The rough language of a rum soaked space trader may be appealing to the electorate but you will be coming into regular contact with some of the most elite and prestigious figures in the universe. You may even meet the Sovereign Emperor himself. An air of sophistication will allow you to ingratiate yourself with the great and the powerful and stand you in good stead for the future. Now, repeat after me..."

"Free grey geese ina green field grazing...I know!"

* * * * * * *
Present Day

It had come as a shock. Seren had been sitting nervously in a make-shift bunk in the Persephone's hull, wedged in between a box of Fruity Oats and Prime Beef, waiting for the Al Raqis Raconteur to announce the final results of the poll. She didn't know if she was supposed to be somewhere special. In truth, she didn't even think she had a chance of winning a seat - a poor girl from the extremities of the Imperium without financial clout or political friends - the chances were unlikely at best.

And the preliminary election results are in....these are still to be confirmed by  a formal announcement, swearing oath and a satisfactory resolution of vote rigging allegations....

Seren closed her eyes and prepared for the disappointment. She was already trying to rationalise her defeat and get her mind back on more mundane things.

Arnold Gustav....

Disappointment. But still three more places to go.

Dave Gaffer.....

Maybe they were going in alphabetical order...anyway, that was two places gone. She felt a sickly feeling in her chest.

Seren Undercroft....

She thought she'd misheard. Or she'd imagined it. Then she realised that the sounds from the cockpit had stopped. Gale was no longer entering the shipment dockets into the computer. Instead she was coming down the ramp.

Willard Deerhunter and Captain Sisko complete the provisional line-up. They will receive one half vote each.

"Congratulations!", her companion exclaimed, smiling widely. By the time she'd finished the word, Seren had already bounced out of her bunk, grabbed her in a bear hug and was pumping her fist in the air.

After a few moments, Seren had regained some of her composure although she still emoted with her arms excitedly. "So what do we do now?"

Galewind was about to speak when a cacophony of sound began to echo throughout the hull, reminiscent of hundred birds suddenly singing at once. "The Communications Terminal, I believe?"

They bounded up the ramp to the cockpit and stood in front of the Comm Terminal. Lights flickered incessantly indicating that messages were arriving and the display screen showed line after line of message headers. Seren noticed a few familiar names or words. Galewind, saw all and began pointing them out.

"A communication of congratulations from the Heiland Haus on Rette....a dispatch of delight from the Salle de la Liberte on Nena, an epistle of elation from the Parliamentum de Aetate on Provincia..."

Seren looked at her companion wide eyed as she read out the messages from the planets of the Paradigm.

"You're the first citizen of the Seven Suns to sit in any sort of Imperial office in almost four generations. No doubt there will be some gnashing of teeth amongst some of the more prominent political families back home who will no doubt sing your praises in public while assessing how to bring you back down with a bump. So to speak."

"I'm not going to worry too much about what's going on back home right now" said Seren dismissively, "I think we have more than enough problems and potential enemies to worry about here. Anyway...I think this calls for a drink?" She reached into a crate of Blue Sun Beer and threw one over to her companion, "Cheers!"

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