Enter the Montraxy

Earl Alad Montraxy stood and looked out at his fiefdom. The sky crackled with electricity as the tall spires of his city became submerged within the dark clouds. At lower levels, a thick grey smog covered the ground creating an illusion that the city floated upon a dank, miserable cloud. Fiery red furnaces burned at intervals across the vista, their enormity quite evident to all who gazed upon them. This was the industrial world of Killian, the "foundry of the stars", and home of the House Minor Montraxy.

In short time, he was joined by a bulbous, large man with short cropped hair. His dark trench coat ran to his boots, each step echoing around the chamber. His voice was gruff as he spoke.

"My lord, you summoned me."

"Indeed. If you would update me on the progress of our situation...?"

"Undercroft is responding well to the reconditioning. The purge has been completed and Miss Galewind is currently working on integrating the new memories."

"Very good. What form has she chosen for these new memories?"

"Pirate raid amongst others, your lordship, It is something Undercroft has experienced before - her own mind will fill in any blanks left by our reconditioning."

Alad turned away from the window. "Ah yes. Ingenious thinking.....and where is Grinch now?"

"Grinch?", Gulgus stiffened, "He's down in the lower levels of the city I heard."

"The red light district no doubt. He is as predictable as he is vulgar. I don't approve of his actions. He has caused that young woman no shortage of troubles and I am in half a mind to order his execution myself. His behaviour on Araxes was thoroughly contemptible."

"With respect, he isn't in possession of the facts and he is very effective at what he does."

Montraxy waved his hand dismissively "Yes, yes. I'm sure you're right....As he should be, it has taken a considerable sum of coin and no shortage of diplomatic wrangling to allow him to walk freely and discreetly."

"My lord, should I have Miss Galewind accompany you for a meal later this evening?"

Alad took a sharp intake of breath and lifted his regal head into the air. "I dare not set eyes upon her countenance for fear our entire plan will succumb to my feelings for that wondrous woman. It has been nearly twenty years since we sat together in this very chamber and sacrificed our love for the greater good of the Montraxy dynasty. I trust no-one more that my beloved Elena and she has devoted herself admirably to her task."

"Her feelings towards Undercroft...."

"...are unsurprising, Mr Machydon. It is entirely in keeping with her person that she should develop a bond with the woman she is sworn to protect. You would do well not to question her loyalty again. In another universe, that woman would sit alongside me as my countess and you would pledge your total unfaltering allegiance to her. It is my dearest wish that she may yet bring her gentile ways to this damnable world"

"Yes, my lord, I apologise."

"Back to the matter at hand....the situation has turned to our potential advantage. No-one could have predicted the Sovereign would reinvigorate the memory of democracy, least of all on Araxes. Elena did a wonderful thing coercing Undercroft into running for the Dawla. Her ingenuity knows no bounds."

"A plan that worked wonders until her greed took over."

"Perhaps. Greed is a powerful motivator Mr Machydon. It is why generations of my family have sat upon this world as ruler. No, we merely need to redirect her greed elsewhere. Elena's monthly reports clearly show that Undercroft is also compassionate, loyal and determined. We can use that to our advantage, yet. As it is, we mustn’t let her desire for personal wealth allow her to leave Araxes. You must understand, her life has been hellish, hellish I tell you and it has defined her character implicitly. Had I lived her life, would I have done anything differently?"

Gulgus waited a few moments looking out of the window. "What about the quarter ton of spice?"

The Earl looked up with slight disinterest "Mmm? Oh yes, the spice. Have it put with the rest. Oh, and Mr Machydon, I trust you'll ensure Mr Grinch is suitably.......recompensed for this work."

Machydon smiled, showing his broad yellow teeth, and having nodded with respect at the Earl made his way out.

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