For the people, for freedom!

"Freedom for most people is something sacred, and many have been willing to sacrifice their lives for it. It is not just another word, for we measure the health of our democracies by the standard of freedom" -  Ancient Earth Politician.

Seren ran her finger along the tablet, whispering the names slowly as she read. The Laandsrat had been expanded and the factions, whether they were corporate, nobles or militaries were empowered more than ever before. Never in the recent history of Araxes had the position and inalienable rights of the individual been as weak. She glanced silently out of the view port of the Persephone, her eyes surveying the majestic towers and structures of the city until her eyes reached the Council Chambers. Democracy and freedom. They'd been the bywords of civilised society for the ancients but had been trampled underfoot by the corporations who had seized power of the people. Society had collapsed back into a feudal system - a system of aristocrats and great houses, giant corporate entities, vast religious doctrines that covered thousands of worlds, colossal military forces, all of whom sought to control the spice, to enslave the peoples of the Imperium to their causes, to fool them into believing their way was the only way whilst trampling the very same people underfoot.

Outsiders had come. The Alliance. They were as bad as the Imperium. They didn't tell you what to think, they told you how to think. Their society presented itself as clean, pure, enlightened. They were nothing of the sort. The Independents on the fringe told a different story. They'd lost the Unification War. They called themselves Browncoats and they strove for the very freedoms dreamt of for the Imperium. So many had died for the cause and lost. So many. On Miranda and elsewhere.

The Federation. They were a hypocritical, two faced people. Cunning and devious. They claimed to be peaceful explorers yet other species within their quadrant were sceptical. They pointed to the Federation's infiltration methods on pre-warp worlds, before their alleged "First Contacts". They'd carefully disguise themselves as natives, learning the culture and then as soon as the natives were suitably advanced they would announce themselves and invite them to their Federation.  It was a curious type of Imperialism the Federation carried out. They spoke of a creature called the Borg. Seren didn't see a difference. At least this "Borg" seemed open about their intentions. The Federation came to you as friends and slowly became your ruler.

She felt a surge of anger. A surge of injustice. She bristled, shuddering as she sought to control the rage.

She calmed herself using the technique. She didn't know where she'd learnt it. She didn't know how she'd learnt it but it seemed to work.

Seren sighed. She remembered Jade Moonkill, who had swiftly risen to legendary status amongst pro-democracy advocates like herself. Slaughtered in her prime by peoples unknown. She was so innocent and pure, her world view unhampered by those who would seek to destroy her. In her innocence, she saw a beauty in humanity, a dream the people could share in. A dream where the people ruled the Imperium. Where free thought was allowed in the Alliance. A dream where corporations, ancient religions, miltary complexes served the people and didn't dictate to them.

The case involving her death was cold now, the investigation slowly being eroded by time and political machinations. But her dreams, her goals, her vision, they remained in the hearts and minds of The People. It mustn't be allowed to fade. Her legacy must prevail.

The Factions must fall and the people must rise.

For the people, for freedom!

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