Seren and the Sardar

Delegate Undercroft's first encounter with the His Grace, Sardar Kumar Sri Rai Sahib Khanzadeh, the 633rd in line to the Imperial Lion Throne had been thoroughly unexpected. She had been walking through the citadel on the Rock to cast her eyes over new office premises for the PTC and had wandered in, quite by accident, on the Margrave Princely Count's chamber.

She'd frozen and for a few moments completely lost the ability to communicate in any meaningful way. Had she have chosen a first meeting with His Grace, it wouldn't have been after barging into his office. After what seemed an eternity, she regained her composure and apologised to His Grace for intruding in such a manner. She planned to make a dash there and then - perhaps he hadn't recognised her, why would he? - but it turned out that, yes, in fact he had.

He accepted her apology, explained that he had been lost in thought and apparently hadn't even seen the copper-haired young woman enter the room until she'd spoken.

"You are one of those democratic people aren't you? Populist....I can't think of the correct word?"
"Elected, your grace?"
"That's the word!"

Seren hastily tried to remember the correct protocol expected when in the presence of an Imperial figure and His Grace sensed her awkwardness. "No Curtsying or bowing, just avoid direct eye contact." She quickly diverted her eyes to the floor. She rather enjoyed her head on her shoulders and wouldn't want to lose it for such a minor intransigence. Actually, she wasn't sure what the punishment was but decided she didn't want to find out.

"I'm Delegate Undercroft of the Beit Dawla, your grace."
"I'm sure it's a pleasure to meet you" said the Margrave Princely Count in as regal a manner you might imagine, "I've lost track of the fellow who handles my appointments. I sent him off on an errand to donate my bathwater."
"I'm sure the great unwashed will be thankful" Oh, you sycophant.
 "What do you want Delegate? I'd offer you a chair but I've discovered they don't work. This planet is built for damnation!"

Seren laughed nervously - it was genuinely funny but she was unsure if she was allowed to laugh in his presence. Galewind hadn't gone through this with her during her pre-election training. His Grace looked at her oddly, as if making a mental note of something.

"Are you here for official business or is this a social call?"
 "In truth, " Seren confessed, "I didn't expect to find you here your grace but since I am here, may I enquire about the investigation into the Ta'Seti invasion?"
"It's not so much an investigation - I am looking at the feasibility of a planetary defence force. The local factionalized militaries act like disorganised militia.", he paused and made a direct point, "Said planetary defence force would be bound by the authority of the local governing body of course. The forms must be obeyed! The Imperium might ask for the occasional enforcement of a warrant, all according to the forms."

"I've heard rumours that you'd met with the USD leadership?"
"It is true", His Grace exclaimed, "They are usually on hand during any untoward invasion. Unlike the proper invasions where you have acts of parliament and formal declarations of war."
Seren nodded in agreement, "Indeed, their recent actions in defending the planet are worthy of our thanks and praise.....", she paused before continuing, "it seems people's fear of the Imperium is diminishing and attacks are becoming more common."
His Grace seemed to become stern "The Imperium's objective is to continue this experiment of limited autonomy...the factionalized militaries cause some difficulties. If the Imperium mobilises here, self rule will evaporate."

The words seemed to linger on the air. If the Imperium mobilises here, self rule will evaporate.

He continued, "The Imperial servants have done an admirable job but this is a glaring embarrassment. The Chief Magistrate cannot even prevent members of her own council from from raising arms against the local infrastructure. Adjunct Lieutenant Werribee's experiment in deregulating spice prospecting has increased production but also increased vulnerability."

Seren wasn't sure what His Grace meant in reference to the Magistrate, so she took a guess.

"There are certain elements on the Laandsrat who seem to have a conflict of interest, yes. The Myrmidons have sworn allegiance to the Emperor but seem to do nothing to prevent attack by their allies, the Ta'Seti.".

"We have developed a simple method to determine when the Myrmidons are making erroneous statements" declared His Grace, "...they speak." He continued with an air of aloofness. "If not them, it will be someone else. Barbarians making undeclared wars. It is unseemly."

"The government is doing everything in its power to avoid hostilities your grace. We want to avoid martial law if at all possible."

"I would hope you would not need to declare martial law. The planetary defence force should be subordinate to the local governing body. It would be on you to ensure oversight"

"With your permission, I will raise the issue at the next available Beit Dawla meeting, your grace."

"Of course, it would be of great convenience. I have not had the pleasure of reacquainting with the Chief Magistrate. I am told she is back from the....". His Grace seemed to hesitate before completing the sentence, turning to her with a regal twist of the head and emphasising the word,".....spa."

Seren nodded. Curious.

"As it is", he continued, " you should feel free to contact me anytime with news. My door would always be open if I were to have one.". His Grace was perturbed as he looked at the gaping hole where any person could just wander in off the street, "How do they live like this? It's madness! Nice views though"

Seren nodded again. She felt she'd been doing a lot of that during the conversation. "Thank you your grace. I'm not quite sure about the absence of doors myself. Perhaps the locals haven't worked out how to open them yet?" Perhaps the locals haven't worked out how to open them yet??!! Applaud yourself Seren - the condescending award of the year is going home with you!

To Seren's relief, her communicator headset clicked into life. She was needed urgently to sign some documents at the council chamber. "My apologies, your grace, I'm being called away. Please do enjoy your stay on our humble world."

It took quite a while for the the delegate to remove her head from her hands as she replayed the event over and over in her head. It hadn't been the ideal way to meet His Grace but perhaps it hadn't been as bad as she'd imagined. She'd almost inadvertently called on the planet to be put under martial law and questioned the loyalty of leading members of the Laandsrat but other than that, hey. Her headset clicked into life again. She still hadn't signed the paperwork at the council chambers. She took the headset from her head and put it on the instrument panel in front of her. In the corner of her eye she noticed a crate of Blue Sun beer. The paperwork can wait, she thought, as she cracked open a can.

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