Enter the Montraxy

Earl Alad Montraxy stood and looked out at his fiefdom. The sky crackled with electricity as the tall spires of his city became submerged within the dark clouds. At lower levels, a thick grey smog covered the ground creating an illusion that the city floated upon a dank, miserable cloud. Fiery red furnaces burned at intervals across the vista, their enormity quite evident to all who gazed upon them. This was the industrial world of Killian, the "foundry of the stars", and home of the House Minor Montraxy.

In short time, he was joined by a bulbous, large man with short cropped hair. His dark trench coat ran to his boots, each step echoing around the chamber. His voice was gruff as he spoke.

"My lord, you summoned me."

"Indeed. If you would update me on the progress of our situation...?"

"Undercroft is responding well to the reconditioning. The purge has been completed and Miss Galewind is currently working on integrating the new memories."

"Very good. What form has she chosen for these new memories?"

"Pirate raid amongst others, your lordship, It is something Undercroft has experienced before - her own mind will fill in any blanks left by our reconditioning."

Alad turned away from the window. "Ah yes. Ingenious thinking.....and where is Grinch now?"

"Grinch?", Gulgus stiffened, "He's down in the lower levels of the city I heard."

"The red light district no doubt. He is as predictable as he is vulgar. I don't approve of his actions. He has caused that young woman no shortage of troubles and I am in half a mind to order his execution myself. His behaviour on Araxes was thoroughly contemptible."

"With respect, he isn't in possession of the facts and he is very effective at what he does."

Montraxy waved his hand dismissively "Yes, yes. I'm sure you're right....As he should be, it has taken a considerable sum of coin and no shortage of diplomatic wrangling to allow him to walk freely and discreetly."

"My lord, should I have Miss Galewind accompany you for a meal later this evening?"

Alad took a sharp intake of breath and lifted his regal head into the air. "I dare not set eyes upon her countenance for fear our entire plan will succumb to my feelings for that wondrous woman. It has been nearly twenty years since we sat together in this very chamber and sacrificed our love for the greater good of the Montraxy dynasty. I trust no-one more that my beloved Elena and she has devoted herself admirably to her task."

"Her feelings towards Undercroft...."

"...are unsurprising, Mr Machydon. It is entirely in keeping with her person that she should develop a bond with the woman she is sworn to protect. You would do well not to question her loyalty again. In another universe, that woman would sit alongside me as my countess and you would pledge your total unfaltering allegiance to her. It is my dearest wish that she may yet bring her gentile ways to this damnable world"

"Yes, my lord, I apologise."

"Back to the matter at hand....the situation has turned to our potential advantage. No-one could have predicted the Sovereign would reinvigorate the memory of democracy, least of all on Araxes. Elena did a wonderful thing coercing Undercroft into running for the Dawla. Her ingenuity knows no bounds."

"A plan that worked wonders until her greed took over."

"Perhaps. Greed is a powerful motivator Mr Machydon. It is why generations of my family have sat upon this world as ruler. No, we merely need to redirect her greed elsewhere. Elena's monthly reports clearly show that Undercroft is also compassionate, loyal and determined. We can use that to our advantage, yet. As it is, we mustn’t let her desire for personal wealth allow her to leave Araxes. You must understand, her life has been hellish, hellish I tell you and it has defined her character implicitly. Had I lived her life, would I have done anything differently?"

Gulgus waited a few moments looking out of the window. "What about the quarter ton of spice?"

The Earl looked up with slight disinterest "Mmm? Oh yes, the spice. Have it put with the rest. Oh, and Mr Machydon, I trust you'll ensure Mr Grinch is suitably.......recompensed for this work."

Machydon smiled, showing his broad yellow teeth, and having nodded with respect at the Earl made his way out.



Seren walked down the steps of the Council Chambers, pulling the hem of her dress from the floor, and basked in the bright amber light of Mu Draconis' twin suns. To her left, she heard the Al Raqis marketplace bustle with people. The familiar cry of the water-sellers, the pottery makers and the thriving throng of humanity.

A familiar odour of cinnamon drifted along the breeze from the famous old bakery in the town. She looked to the north and saw the freighters and frigates coming and going from the spice facility. Looking straight ahead, beyond the immediate buildings and landing pads of Al Raqis, she saw the desert spreading out as far as she could see. She sighed, admiring the beauty of the desert dune crests, before readjusting the skirt of her dress. She looked at her timepiece and realising she had time to spare, decided to stroll to the landing pad where her ride was docked.

The day's Dawla meeting had been brief but she'd succeeded in getting the Araxian Freedom of Information Act past the first stage of approval. Consulari Jai Raghilda and Doctor Isaacs had both voted in favour of the act and in concert with her own vote gave them a majority. Delegate Gaffer and Gustav had yet to vote but even their unlikely opposition wouldn't be able to prevent the act going to the Laandsrat. She didn't know if the Laandsrat would pass the bill. She suspected they would.

 After all, Seren was adept at playing the game. She often feigned stupidity. "Greater minds than mine..." was a common ploy. It invited others on board, massaged their egos, got them to do the dirty work. It worked in business, it worked in politics. The more people feel they'd been involved in something, the more likely it was to succeed. Her second tactic was to publicly belittle her opposition. In this case, the Laandsrat. Call them corrupt, call them a police state. Let them react. Put them in a position where refusal to comply confirmed the accusations. Either they'd pass the bill of their own accord or they'd feel they had to pass it to avoid public criticism. There was always a risk involved in this strategy. Always the possibility of blow back.

Seren passed by the bakery. The queue was extraordinary, no matter what time of day it was. More than once, Seren had to adjust her path to avoid the playing children who darted in-between passing artisans, mothers and guards. She came down the steps, past the Sinisterhood tower and walked through the Zenobian Quarter. The Medical Centre had become a familiar landmark on her way 'home' and she strode past the security team on the landing bay showing her credentials and smiled. She banked right, past the Asgardian representative's vessel and met with Elena Galewind who walked down the ramp of the Erinyes One.

"Hello Mistress, how did the session go today?"
"It was short. Very short but I finally got the act through."
"Many congratulations, mistress."

Seren nodded and joined her companion as they strode together up the ramp. She walked into the cockpit and flopped down into the co-pilots chair. Her eyes were shut tight, the sun illuminating her eyelids through the transparent metal windows. She heard Galewind take the pilots chair, running through the take-off procedure. A familiar sound of clicks and beeps, she heard the engines ignite.

"This is Erinyes One, requesting take-off."
"This is Al Raqis Command Tower, Erinyes One is cleared for take-off, vector 114,202,75 to 100,109,725 approx."

With that, the Erinyes thrust into the sky, the ornate towers of Al Raqis giving way to desert, then sky and finally stars.

"We received the Khaliifa's shipment of spice, mistress. It has been tested and quite carefully placed within the Persephone's central hold."

Elena could see the captain's reflection in the Erinye's view port. She was smiling broadly.



"It seemed you completed your objective."

 "Yes, yes it does, doesn't it? That quarter ton of spice, invested wisely, is going to make us rich beyond our wildest dreams."

 "And the Dawla? What are your plans there?"

 "We got what we came for. To get rich. I did what I could. I'm a freighter pilot, how much can I do? Let others take the strain. I can't very well overthrow the Sovereign can I?"

 "That would be unlikely....". Elena's face contorted as she banked the shuttle into the landing orbit at Highport Station, "...so what now?"

"Dock with Highport, attach the Erinyes to the docking clamp beneath Persephone and high tail it back to the New Paradigm."

 "What about the charges?"

 "With this much spice, I can buy myself out of that."

Elena nodded and saw from the Captain's reflection that she hadn't yet reopened her eyes. She allowed her finger to move to a button on the communications terminal and pushed it. Dipping her head, Elena smiled to herself and pulled a lasgun from beneath her jacket, concealing it within a fold in her sleeve. She read the text only display on the terminal before her.
"Very well done, Miss Galewind. Proceed." As they landed, Seren rose gingerly from her chair and patted her companions arm. Together they strode down the onto the landing platform.

As they came into the artificial atmosphere, Seren balked. Before her stood the very man she thought she'd never see. The man she thought she'd killed all those years ago.

Magnolious Grinch was alive.

She turned to run back to the shuttle and found herself pistol-whipped to the face. She fell back to the floor hard and cradling her head looked up to find herself face-to-face with a lasgun. 


"Get up."

Seren felt the shock hit her like nothing she'd felt before.

"I said get up."

The lasgun fired towards the ground, narrowly but purposely missing the Captain's left hand.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Captain. Really I am but somethings are simply too important."

"Too important..?"

Two burly henchman lifted Seren to her feet and she came face to face with Grinch for the first time in years. The reddish face, dark beard and cruel eyes were instantly familiar. She spat at him. He laughed.

"That's the Seren I know. Impetuous as always." He unleashed a punch, catching her full in the face. Her vision blurred, the world drifted away momentarily before coming back in searing pain. She felt warm blood trickle from her nose. The next fist to her temple turned the world dark and she drifted out of consciousness.

"Put her onboard the Persephone and plot a course.". Immediately his henchman did as they were told and dragged her body across the concourse to the docking bay. Elena, meanwhile stood still, the only movement her heavily heaving chest.

"Don't feel too badly, Miss Galewind. You knew this day would come. House Montraxy will be most pleased with your work."

"What will happen to her?"

"She'll be reconditioned. She'll remember none of this, dear child, so don't worry your little face about it. Of course, were it up to me, the little slut would be mind-wiped and be put to work in one of my brothels but alas, powers greater than myself have a purpose for her."

Elena nodded and blinked a couple of times. She felt she wanted to cry but she knew the greater order of things. Oh, she hated this man with all of her heart.

"It's hard." said Grinch, "I can see that but you need to prepare. For all intents and purposes, Delegate Undercroft has left Araxes to conduct business in the Paradigm. No-one will know differently. Now, if you'll please..."

He gestured towards the gun, Elena paused and then nodded, handing the lasgun over.

"You did well, this day, Miss Galewind. Your dear Alad will be most proud."