[log] An Eventful Day

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Been quite a day. I've just made a lucrative new deal with the Myrmidon Order that should ensure we can continue to meet the running costs of our supply depots, repair the Persephone One and should things proceed as planned, we might be able to extend to purchasing a new ship. I'll admit to a sense of unease working with them considering they've already marooned me on Araxes by shooting me down. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled and my ear on the ground and use the situation to my own advantage.

Currently at the pre-battle celebration on the Myrmidon homeworld of Praxis. This is a custom of theirs I'm led to believe. I travelled on the Orion Advocate's deep space shuttle so I'm starting to make connections in high places.

Botany Bay is proving to be a useful area for extending our business plans.

When we return to Araxes later, I'll meet up with the crew and discuss our options.

Seren out.

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