[log] Checking in...

[Initialising Remote Log. OK]

Booked into a hotel. It's seedy and the bed has seen better days but it beats the chairs on the Persephone any day. I know this sort of place. A nod and a wink and a "mind your own business" approach, which suits me down to the ground. Might be a good place to do business away from prying eyes.

Persephone One is hidden in the desert until things cool down so I'm investing the last of our free cash on a runabout to get me around. It'll do for the time being. Anyways, I've located a repair shop called the Monkey Wrench. As soon as I find the proprietor, I'll see about getting the navigational computer fixed. Meanwhile, I'm going to take a look around and soak up a bit of local culture.

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