[Log] Transmission from Erinyes One

[Log Recording OK.]
[New Paradigm Dateline : 201108.14]
[Received by PTC : 201108.28]

I'm on the way back from Dragons Egg. The refugees from Hale's Moon are holed up in a space station orbiting high above the planet. I'm not sure what will be worse - the relative squalor of their shanty town existence on the space station or the frozen wasteland of the planet's surface. Even from space it looked a hostile place to start a new life. They're not letting anyone down there but search teams at the moment.

From what I could tell, the majority of the refugees seem to be living in tents in a cargo hold aboard the station. They only have the basics, probably just grabbing what they could while they could. It's difficult to leave your life behind like that. It's unnerving to have everything you know ripped away.

The atmosphere on the station is a strange mixture of desperation and community spirit - the sort of atmosphere you get after a loved one dies. Everyone muddling along the best they can, everyone hurting and putting on a brave face. There's something admirable about that.The sheer courage they're showing in the face of all this adversity. And you know, when I look into some of these kids eyes, this whole facade I've built around myself of being the hard nosed trader really just falls away. I just wanted to hold them and tell them that everything will be okay. Things will get better. But it's not really true because the trauma always stays with you even if you bury it so deeply you think you've escaped it.

She adjusts herself, regaining her composure.

Anyway...I offered my cargo and they seemed please to take it off my hands. I don't know what they'll do with it. Sell it most likely. Doesn't really matter.

A large bang is heard, rocking the ship and causing the lights to flicker.

Not sure what that was....but it looks like it's damaged the ship. The engines are failing. The central computer here is going a little crazy. I'm not sure if this is still transmitting. Should be. Okay...I'll try and fix it. If not I'll launch the beacon.

[End Transmission]

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