[Galewind's Log] Keeping a steady ship.

I have not heard from the Captain for a considerable amount of time. An encoded communication transmitted from the Erinyes to the Persephone is the last known transmission. Our understanding is that she has travelled to the 32 Tauri system to render assistance to the former Hale's Moon colonists. This is entirely in keeping with the mistress's character in a variety of ways. Firstly, I have been by the mistress's side for nearly twenty years and I have witnessed the mistress's compassion on several occasions. I have also witnessed her haste in arriving to decisions and acting irrationally. I believe she has done so on this occasion. According to communications received, the Laandsrat of Araxes were considering implementing a rescue package. Miss Seren would have been wise to await the fleet's departure and accompany them on their mission.

If I know the Captain, it is likely she would have cast doubt on the Araxian government's
commitment to help the beleagured planet and thus, she has set course without knowing where the colonists have departed to. Not the most logical or thought out of decisions.

I have been monitoring communications and attempting to track the Erinyes navigational beacon using various public sensor arrays littered across the quadrant. Attempts to access private arrays powered by the Imperium, UFS and the Alliance have proven to be difficult. Alliance systems in particular, although allegedly quite primitive in comparison to other governmental systems have proven hardy in their ability to frustrate me.

Primarily I was under orders to fly the Persephone's Folly to Araxes and establish a base of operations for the Persephone Trading Corporation. To my knowledge, Miss Seren and Mr Ulysses have been considering a variety of options including a permanent headquarters in the new orbital zone above the Evangeline area of Araxes. With the Captain unavailable to make a final decision, I have, with permission from Mr Ulysses, taken the liberty of renting premises aboard the Al Raqis High Port Orbital Station. This should be adequate for our purpose.

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