[Log] The Rise and Fall of the Antmen.

[Initialising Log. OK]

Things move fast these days. And I'm not just talking about the sand worms or the sudden disappearance of credits in the bar either. Galactic politics change quickly. Just a few weeks ago, the Myrmidon threat hung over the quadrant striking genuine fear into people. Now the threat appears to evaporated as far as I can tell. 

At the Laandsrat meeting there was general discussion about the impending threat of total Myrmidon domination. The Magistrate reiterated that Araxes would remain neutral for as long as possible, the resources of the planet being "far too important for sane governments to risk destroying....it's the insane ones I worry about". At this point, there was considerable debate as to whether the Myrmids were in fact insane. They seemed to agree that they weren't, the Reverend Mother indicated that they were 'empassioned...vengeful, quick to anger' but that they stick to their code. 

All this time, the Myrmidon stood patiently, head to foot in metallic armour. When he finally did speak, he rather boldly said...hang on, let me check my notes.....that their "reasoning and jurisdiction goes beyond your
illogical interest in this spice", that it was a "small part in a far more involved picture" and basically told the magistrate to keep her nose out of their business. 

I recall a sharp intake of breath from the various onlookers. I've never seen anyone challenge the Magistrate of Al Raqis in such a way. The Sovereign himself chooses this position and the Magistrate can indirectly wield huge power far beyond this planet. Heck, I've seen people on my world light years away hush at the mention of the woman's name. 

She held her calm and demanded to know what the Myrmidon's end game was. Was it the destruction of the Imperium? The Myrmidon said that could be avoided if the Soveriegn agreed to the accords laid out by the Myrmidons. I heard some gufawwing from someone at the back but the atmosphere seemed tense to me. The Myrmidons refused to comment further.

Now....we know that the Myrmidons have since withdrawn their threat against the Sovereign. They seem to imply that they did this voluntarily but I have a hunch that the Imperium made it quite clear that continued attacks upon them would result in full blown war. Now, that's just my gut feeling, I'm not saying thats what happened. But something definitely seemed to give them the heebie-geebies.

Anyway, I need to get back to loading up some cargo in this tin-pot cargo ship. It's been a while since I flew the Erinyes. I wasn't sure the hyperdrive would even carry me this far out.  With Persephone One and the Folly both out of action for the moment, this junker will have to do. I'm stocking up with as much as I can and I'm heading for what used to be Hale's Moon shortly. They've had a nasty incident over there and they need all the help they can get. 

Seren checking out. 

[Log Saved. Transmitting to Persephone One on secure channel]

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