[Log] Transmission from Erinyes One

[Log Recording OK.]
[New Paradigm Dateline : 201108.14]
[Received by PTC : 201108.28]

I'm on the way back from Dragons Egg. The refugees from Hale's Moon are holed up in a space station orbiting high above the planet. I'm not sure what will be worse - the relative squalor of their shanty town existence on the space station or the frozen wasteland of the planet's surface. Even from space it looked a hostile place to start a new life. They're not letting anyone down there but search teams at the moment.

From what I could tell, the majority of the refugees seem to be living in tents in a cargo hold aboard the station. They only have the basics, probably just grabbing what they could while they could. It's difficult to leave your life behind like that. It's unnerving to have everything you know ripped away.

The atmosphere on the station is a strange mixture of desperation and community spirit - the sort of atmosphere you get after a loved one dies. Everyone muddling along the best they can, everyone hurting and putting on a brave face. There's something admirable about that.The sheer courage they're showing in the face of all this adversity. And you know, when I look into some of these kids eyes, this whole facade I've built around myself of being the hard nosed trader really just falls away. I just wanted to hold them and tell them that everything will be okay. Things will get better. But it's not really true because the trauma always stays with you even if you bury it so deeply you think you've escaped it.

She adjusts herself, regaining her composure.

Anyway...I offered my cargo and they seemed please to take it off my hands. I don't know what they'll do with it. Sell it most likely. Doesn't really matter.

A large bang is heard, rocking the ship and causing the lights to flicker.

Not sure what that was....but it looks like it's damaged the ship. The engines are failing. The central computer here is going a little crazy. I'm not sure if this is still transmitting. Should be. Okay...I'll try and fix it. If not I'll launch the beacon.

[End Transmission]


[Galewind's Log] Keeping a steady ship.

I have not heard from the Captain for a considerable amount of time. An encoded communication transmitted from the Erinyes to the Persephone is the last known transmission. Our understanding is that she has travelled to the 32 Tauri system to render assistance to the former Hale's Moon colonists. This is entirely in keeping with the mistress's character in a variety of ways. Firstly, I have been by the mistress's side for nearly twenty years and I have witnessed the mistress's compassion on several occasions. I have also witnessed her haste in arriving to decisions and acting irrationally. I believe she has done so on this occasion. According to communications received, the Laandsrat of Araxes were considering implementing a rescue package. Miss Seren would have been wise to await the fleet's departure and accompany them on their mission.

If I know the Captain, it is likely she would have cast doubt on the Araxian government's
commitment to help the beleagured planet and thus, she has set course without knowing where the colonists have departed to. Not the most logical or thought out of decisions.

I have been monitoring communications and attempting to track the Erinyes navigational beacon using various public sensor arrays littered across the quadrant. Attempts to access private arrays powered by the Imperium, UFS and the Alliance have proven to be difficult. Alliance systems in particular, although allegedly quite primitive in comparison to other governmental systems have proven hardy in their ability to frustrate me.

Primarily I was under orders to fly the Persephone's Folly to Araxes and establish a base of operations for the Persephone Trading Corporation. To my knowledge, Miss Seren and Mr Ulysses have been considering a variety of options including a permanent headquarters in the new orbital zone above the Evangeline area of Araxes. With the Captain unavailable to make a final decision, I have, with permission from Mr Ulysses, taken the liberty of renting premises aboard the Al Raqis High Port Orbital Station. This should be adequate for our purpose.


[Log] The Rise and Fall of the Antmen.

[Initialising Log. OK]

Things move fast these days. And I'm not just talking about the sand worms or the sudden disappearance of credits in the bar either. Galactic politics change quickly. Just a few weeks ago, the Myrmidon threat hung over the quadrant striking genuine fear into people. Now the threat appears to evaporated as far as I can tell. 

At the Laandsrat meeting there was general discussion about the impending threat of total Myrmidon domination. The Magistrate reiterated that Araxes would remain neutral for as long as possible, the resources of the planet being "far too important for sane governments to risk destroying....it's the insane ones I worry about". At this point, there was considerable debate as to whether the Myrmids were in fact insane. They seemed to agree that they weren't, the Reverend Mother indicated that they were 'empassioned...vengeful, quick to anger' but that they stick to their code. 

All this time, the Myrmidon stood patiently, head to foot in metallic armour. When he finally did speak, he rather boldly said...hang on, let me check my notes.....that their "reasoning and jurisdiction goes beyond your
illogical interest in this spice", that it was a "small part in a far more involved picture" and basically told the magistrate to keep her nose out of their business. 

I recall a sharp intake of breath from the various onlookers. I've never seen anyone challenge the Magistrate of Al Raqis in such a way. The Sovereign himself chooses this position and the Magistrate can indirectly wield huge power far beyond this planet. Heck, I've seen people on my world light years away hush at the mention of the woman's name. 

She held her calm and demanded to know what the Myrmidon's end game was. Was it the destruction of the Imperium? The Myrmidon said that could be avoided if the Soveriegn agreed to the accords laid out by the Myrmidons. I heard some gufawwing from someone at the back but the atmosphere seemed tense to me. The Myrmidons refused to comment further.

Now....we know that the Myrmidons have since withdrawn their threat against the Sovereign. They seem to imply that they did this voluntarily but I have a hunch that the Imperium made it quite clear that continued attacks upon them would result in full blown war. Now, that's just my gut feeling, I'm not saying thats what happened. But something definitely seemed to give them the heebie-geebies.

Anyway, I need to get back to loading up some cargo in this tin-pot cargo ship. It's been a while since I flew the Erinyes. I wasn't sure the hyperdrive would even carry me this far out.  With Persephone One and the Folly both out of action for the moment, this junker will have to do. I'm stocking up with as much as I can and I'm heading for what used to be Hale's Moon shortly. They've had a nasty incident over there and they need all the help they can get. 

Seren checking out. 

[Log Saved. Transmitting to Persephone One on secure channel]


Family ties, part 2

"Hey, when did you get back?" Seren enquired, standing at the door to her father's workshop, a long factory-like structure with panelled windows the length of each wall and an odour of various mechanical oils and concotions.

"Oh, not very long" said Ulyssees trying to hide he'd been asleep."I came in here to finish up some work on the new coolant and ended up picking up this book.". He stood up and smiled at his daughter. She'd aged since her last visit to the planet, not so much physically but something about the way she carried herself. A new toughness layered over older scars of hardship. It was unsurprising given the hard life they'd endured. That wasn't how Ulyssees had wanted to raise his daughter, hidden away on an obscure colony on a struggling planet mired in poverty, criminality and corruption.

He motioned for his daughter to join him on the sofa at the end of the workshop.

"You get more like your mother every time I see you."

"I wish I remembered her enough to tell."

Ulysses nodded and smiled, "She'd be proud of you. Getting the company back up and running. Seeking the old ship and getting it back. You're making a tidy amount judging my the amount of credits you're sending my way"

Seren leaned forward and clasped her hand "Not doing too badly. I'm getting lucrative one off contracts here and there. Some more interesting than others."

"Interesting sounds like a way of saying illegal to me...."

She turned to her father smiling "I couldn't possibly say.."

"Yes, well....be careful. I am the local Justice of the Peace don't forget."

Seren put her hands forward as if expecting cuffs and her father shook his head half repressing his smile.
He sat up forwards and paused for a few moments before speaking "I've been channeling my share of the company's proceeds to a few different things. Hiring a few hands around the farm, repairing the hoverwagons, that sort of thing. Anyway....I play the occasional game of Kah-tiki and well, wouldn't you know I happen to have won a few games."

"For money?"

"Yes, for money and various other things. Turning the occasional blind eye to more minor infractions of the law for example  But in this instance, I happen to have won a new boat."

"A new boat? What sort of boat?"

"It's old, needs some work but it's a classic design.  I've got it parked at the Kerner City land dock. I'll take you down tomorrow and we can have a good look if you'd like?"


 "There she is!" pointed out Ulysses, the overcast dampness doing nothing to disrupt his enthusiasm.
"I called her Persephone's Folly - Gulgus thinks I'm a bit senile wanting to take her off his hands."

Seren looked the ship over from afar. "You got this from Gulgus? Are you sure it's not stolen?"

"Now, now Seren. Give me some credit. As it is, the ship doesn't cover the debt he owes me but refitted and working it'll repay me many times over. I've got some engineers working on it now. Come on."

He jogged excitedly to the ship. Keeping pace with him, Seren noticed how ships seemed to inject youthfulness into her father. He'd been the same when she brought the Persephone One home. Tinkering with every little circuit, his fingers dancing over the panels, his mind entirely focused on getting the vessel ship shape. He'd been born for it, of that there was no doubt. They reached the landing ramp and climbed up into the innards of the ship.

"This here", Ulysses exclaimed excitedly, "is a dual entry port. The ramp extends when you're planetside, the airlock opens when you're docking with a space station. Score one to the Folly because Persephone One can't do that."

"And this here, is your cargo bay. Lots of room for anything you're carrying, your hovercycle, even a buffalo-yak. All at the same time, no need to keep swapping and changing at the PTC station"

"It's very nice" Seren eyeballed the dimensions of the ship, "has potential"

"Come on in here. General operations - over there is the navigational computer and analytical systems, over there is a work table and look here. You know what those are? Beds. I spoke to Elena, she said you were sleeping on boxes. Boxes?  All that buying and selling and it never occured to you to get a bed. Really?"

Ulysses bounded into the cockpit "Oh, this brings back happy memories. Flying the space routes, avoiding pirates and other rogues making sure the delivery got there on time.Those were great times. Great times indeed."

There was a forlornness to his speech, an aching to revisit the past.

"The ships yours if you want her, Seren. You carry on making me and your mother proud."

Seren put her hand on her father's shoulder, sharing the view of Kerner City as it sprawled out beneath them.

"It's your ship, dad..."

"I brought her for you. I'm too old to make use of her. "

"I don't think so. You could teach people a few things I reckon.", she said cuddling close to her father.


Family ties.

Kerner City, Planet of Nena.
City Population 78,984

"You're sure you want it?", the rotund, greasy haired and obviously perspiring man enquired, addressing a senior, greying but still impressively built man in brown slacks with red suspenders over a white shirt. The two men were hunched over a small table in a busy, neon lit bar.

"Of course I want it. It's mine"

The greasy figure smiled, revealing several missing teeth."I feel like I'm robbing you Undercroft. She's a wreck, c'mon let me play you again."

"You seem awful keen to keep her, if you don't mind me saying. To me, that says I'm onto a good thing. Besides, I have the skill to repair her. I used to do it all the time." He sipped from his drink, a orange concoction with a slightly red head to it.

"Thirty years ago! The Concordium was a different place then my friend. Parts were plenty, the capital was copious and the ladies were lusty!" He laughed with a snort. "Talking of ladies, I hear your daughter is back onworld?"

"Gulgus", he pointed a finger, "Don't even think about it."

Gulgus Machydon, the greasy ball of flesh that resembled a man, laughed heartily. "Ulysses, I am many things my friend. I may be a loan shark and a businessman of ill repute but I know where the line is drawn. Your daughter is entirely safe. Say hello to me for her. I haven't seen her since Magnolius Grinch ended up with a knife in the back!". He stared at his friend letting a wicked smile contort his face before gulping his beverage down and struggling to his feet. "The ship is yours. You enjoy her, yes?"

"I will. Thanks Gulgus. Stay out of trouble."

Gulgus nodded, resting a hand on Ulysses shoulder before leaving. Undercroft took another sip from his drink and looked down at the document in front of him that transferred ownership. He rummaged in his trousers for a pen, flicked it on and scribed the ship's new name down. '"Persephone's Folly", he muttered with a smile, "Welcome to the family."